Muscle Building Foods: The 3 Best Supplements for Skinny Guys to Build Muscle (It’s Not Weight Gainer)

Muscle Building Foods: The 3 Best Supplements for Skinny Guys to Build Muscle (It’s Not Weight Gainer)

In this article, we’re talking about the best supplements for skinny guys who have a hard time putting on both muscle and fat. They are your classic type of hard gainer, like me! I used to have a very hard time putting on any weight, let alone lean muscle mass, so I tried a whole whack of supplements that promised different things. It wasn’t until recent years that I finally figured out what works and what doesn’t.

Skinny Guy Workout Plan: How To Build Muscle Fast (And Maintain It)

Skinny Guy Workout Plan: How To Build Muscle Fast (And Maintain It)

How Can Skinny Guys Build Muscle Fast?

The first question that needs to be addressed is simple: is it even realistically possible for hard gainers / skinny guys to build muscle?

Good news fellow skinny guys: it’s very possible to build muscle. (Take it from me; I’m a hard gainer!)

The goal must be unique to one thing: muscle building. This is achieved through a highly targeted form of training termed “hypertrophy” training: the process by which muscles are grown in size (to put it bluntly).

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